1·Hou Yaohua should openly admit his mistakes.
2·Many people openly admit they do not know what their friends do for a living.
3·Increasing poverty has led to a situation where the poorest openly admit that they cannot afford to have children.
4·More than half of women openly admit to regularly discussing theins and outs of their private lives with their friends.
5·More than half of women openly admit to regularly discussing theins and outs of their private lives with their friends。
6·More than half of women openly admit to regularly discussing the ins and outs of their private lives with their friends。
7·More than half of women openly admit to regularly discussing the ins and outs of their private lives with their friends.
8·The very individuals we look to as exemplary role models of bravery or courage openly admit that they were not free of fear when they faced grave threats.
9·Finding out the exact number of these that are linked to real estate, likely to be a very small number, is impossible, however, with few couples willing to openly admit to the practice.
10·He looked at his situation. He decided to openly admit his mistake and, rather than getting bogged down in lawsuits, he would focus his energies on saving and rebuilding his original business.